MY GLAMOROUS LIFE: Tragicomic fodder from the life of Zeldman. A LIST APART: Design, code, content. For people who make websites. LES MISC: Articles, essays, and miscellanies. TAKING YOUR TALENT TO THE WEB: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer.
DAILY REPORT: Web design news for your pleasure.
STEAL THESE GRAPHICS: Free art for your desktop or personal site. FUN HOUSE: Entertainment for you. ASK DR WEB: Tips for web designers. Since 1995. 15 MINUTES: Interviews with movie stars and cyberstars, 1996-1999.
STEAL THESE GRAPHICS: Desktop images for your pleasure.


SELECTED ZELDMAN INTERVIEWS ONLINE. Well, naturally they’re online. As you may have guessed, this intro is meaningless, but the layout seemed to cry out for it.


Adobe: Taking Your Talent to the Web: the Adobe interview. “Many of our sites are more beautiful and impressive than they are communicative.” All about the web, the work, and the book we wrote. (July 2001)

CNET A Web Gadly Points His Stinger. Web—standards–related interview conducted by Paul Festa. Part of a CNET “Newsmakers” series marking the 10th anniversary of the first American web page. (14 December 2001)

SitePoint: Tom Cruise, ’zine publishing tips, and lucky little vessels: SitePoint interviews Mister Zeldman. Interview sparklingly conducted by Jeremy Wright, based on questions submitted by SitePoint readers. (8 May 2002)

Library Journal: On the Same Page. Online version of deluxe print magazine joint interview: “Jeffrey Zeldman and NYPL’s Carrie Bickner discuss standards, XML, and the Digital Divide with Leo Robert Klein.” (1 January 2002)

Slashdot: Zeldman Bites Back: Classic Slashdot format where community members interview the guest. No holds barred; rough crowd. Some useful tips about web typography and standards. (May 2000)

Adobe Web Center: Gallery: Jeffrey Zeldman: Biography, 1998 portfolio, and interview. “At some point the Web stopped being the medium for my work and the medium became the work itself. The Web is not a place to hang my art. The Web is the art.” (1998)

Eurekaville: Zeldman is honored to have been interviewed in the inaugural issue of Thinking Around the Corners, an arts and letters web ’zine designed and published by Kristian Walker. (5 June 2002)

Lemurzone: pixelview Interview (“behind the screen with independent designers, developers and others”) conducted by Alan Herrel. (14 December 2001)

Credits Magazine: Zeldman interview conducted by Hans van Dijk of (October 2001)

WebReview: Taking Your Talent to the Web: an Interview by Molly E. Holzschlag. “Designers are communicators, possessed of an almost magical ability to express ideas at the multiple levels of the individual visual element, the overall page layout, and the narrative flow of visitor movement.” (May 2001)

Internet Business Forum: “A bad site works only one way when it works at all. A good site works exactly as its designers intended, yet I feel it works the way I want it to.” By some fluke, Meryl K. Evans managed to make us sound like we know what we’re talking about in this interview for Internet Business Forum. (March 2001)

Netdiver *Closeups*: “Q. Your work has this unique signature. How does one achieve this? A. Limitations as a graphic designer.” The Netdiver Zeldman interview. (February 2001) [Updated URL]

R35 edu: R35 vs. Zeldman: We laughed, we cried, we hope you will, too. (November 2000) Site seems to have gone down.

Design is Kinky: The Zeldman Interview. Wonderful questions about web standards, audience-building, and different approaches to designing for the medium. DIK is a funky design ’zine out of Australia. It’s a pleasure and an honor to be there. “Even if your site is terrible, if it sticks around long enough, it will get some kind of momentum.” (27 August 2000)

Speech Therapy: Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman: On the creative process, government regulation, authorship, credibility, and popularity. “Everyone thinks about their traffic. The trick is to look but not stare.” (29 September 2000; URL updated January 2002)

Waferbaby: Cornered: Short ’n sweet, just like you like it. Mostly about web standards. “It’s like the whole web was on eightballs and bourbon, speeding along in a stolen car...” (July 2000)

wrongwaygoback: Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman: On web standards, web awards, and Zeldman’s mystery past. (November 2000)

Digital Web Magazine: A one–on–one interview with Jeffrey Zeldman: “Pure web design,” interactivity, education, and style. “Web makers are enthralled by the medium’s possibilities, like parents watching their children grow. But to most folks, it’s no more intoxicating than a telephone... a slow telephone.” (1999)

Gizmo: HELP!html Magazine: A List Apart Launch: “Beside the mediocrity of my early designs, there were all kinds of subtle problems.” (March 1999)

web standards

NewBreed Librarian: Feature Interview: What are web standards? Who benefits? What can site owners do? And what’s this library business all about? (April 2001)

MacSlash: MacSlash reader interview: Maybe the best interview we’ve ever done on web standards; focuses on the WaSP Browser Upgrade campaign.
        “We're looking at the difference between browsers that don't support standards worth spit, and those that do. The difference between browsers that don’t support accessibility, that don’t support CSS and the DOM, and those that do. The difference between mud huts and skyscrapers.” (March 2001) Pre-conference interview: Zeldman on web standards pre– 2000 conference. “Q. When will developers be able to work with XML, the DOM, and other Web standards? A. I’m a little more optimistic than Jakob Nielsen, so I'll say 2002.” (December 2000)

XML.COM: Grassroots Enforcers: The Web Standards Project: One on one with Edd Dumbill. Great questions about XML and other standards, and a reasonable explanation of The Web Standards Project’s purpose and perspectives. “The Internet is the fastest–growing economic sector, and it’s being built without a stable foundation.” (10 April 2000)

Geek Radio: Zeldman on Web Standards and IE5.5: 30 minute radio interview with host David Lawrence. It was our 32nd interview that day. We are hoarse, hard to hear, and somewhat incoherent. We say one really dumb thing which we quickly retract. Requires Windows Media Player for Windows or Mac.
        (Yes, there is a Windows Media Player for Mac. No, there is not one for Linux. Which sort–of proves our point about the problem with locked–in audiences and proprietary technologies.) (17 April 2000) Apparently removed from the server. Q&A. On Astounding Websites and The Web Standards Project. “Dickens wrote these great novels satirizing workhouses and the orphanages. Everyone read them and laughed and wept, yet the workhouses and the orphanages continued.” (4 October 2000)

CNET: IE 5.5 angers Web standards advocates: Article by Paul Festa. There are some inaccuracies in this piece, but it’s fairly representative of WaSP coverage in the trade press. (July 2000)

group interviews

WebReview: Then, Now, Next: Christopher Schmitt interviews Zeldman, Jakob Nielsen, Todd Purgason, Lynda Weinman, and David Siegel about where the web has been, where it is now, and where it might be going. (1 June 2001) Fighting for Standards: An interview with George Olsen, Jeffrey Zeldman, and Steve Champeon at

Surfstation: XPERT Advice: Designers talk about inspiration. With Todd Purgason, James Widegren, mschmidt, Andrew Johnstone, Johsua Davis, Justin Fox, and many others. “Don’t confuse style with design.” (Summer 2000)

Skizz: Designer Minds: Skizz asks various web designers thirteen questions. Zeldman is one of many interview subjects (the usual suspects). “A tragic waste of intellect.” (Summer 2000) Apparently removed from the server.

Design Is Kinky: Theory: When Design Doesn't Communicate, Is It Still Design? Group interview with Kalle Everland and Brent Gustafson. (Click “Classics” to view this interview, which is archived inside a frameset.) “Some design WANTS to communicate basic things clearly but fails. That is bad design.” (Summer 2000)

Netscape Center: Writing for the Web (roundtable discussion), with Leslie Harpold, Alexis Massie, Derek Powazek, Shauna Wright. Hosted by Molly Wright Steenson.
        “In explanatory copy that guides you through a site—and in longer, technical passages—wit is what helps make the medicine go down.
        “Every writer and editor on the web is working in a three–minute pop–song environment. Shorter attention spans need quicker punchlines. Fast, witty, and out. Just because text is serving a utilitarian or technical purpose does not mean it should be, or needs to be, dull.” (August 1998)

The author and his opinions.
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