5 May 2004 9 am

In today’s Report:
Design opportunity: Free the Slaves
Better design for a better world.
Campbell-Ewald wants you
Work in the standards-friendly digital division of the ad agency that produced Elmore Leonard.

Design opportunity: Free the Slaves

Free the Slaves, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating modern slavery, needs a site redesign. You won’t get rich, but you’ll have the satisfaction of doing your part to help rid the world of an evil. (You’ll also have a worthwhile client to add to your resume.)

You won’t have to write the markup or create the style sheets. IT Director Jacob Patton and his team will handle the coding chores. What Free the Slaves needs is design. To volunteer your services, send an email including your resume and a link to your portfolio.

Campbell-Ewald wants you

The digital division of Campbell-Ewald, a veritable ad agency headquartered in Detroit, is looking for a front-end programmer capable of producing dynamic, cross-platform, and cross-browser web applications, brainstorming with writers and art directors, explaining technical aspects of projects to clients and internal project teams, and testing and debugging web-based projects. (Bachelor’s degree and three-plus years’ experience preferred.)

You’ll be working in a standards-friendly environment, thanks to the efforts of your predecessor Chris Moritz and his partner, who...

fought the war over web standards this year and emerged with a victory. Any new work produced at Campbell-Ewald [will] be driven by web standards, including the yearly redesign of the Chevrolet site.

The primary requirement is a mastery of XHTML and CSS. I’m talkin’ hacks, work-arounds, IE5/Mac madness. WYSIWYGers need not apply.

Candidates should also be familiar with basic concepts of information architecture, should be comfortable working in Macintosh and Windows environments, should know Photoshop and Flash, and should possess a working knowledge of JavaScript/DOM, XML, and XSLT.

To apply, email Ken Burbary with resume and URLs of work.

Fun facts about Campbell-Ewald

American Crime novelist supreme Elmore “Dutch” Leonard (Get Shorty, Out of Sight, Tishomingo Blues, etc. etc. etc.) worked there for years as a copywriter. He used to go in at 4:00 a.m. and write his first fictions until 6:00, whereupon he would fulfill his ad agency duties for the rest of the day. I know this because someone close to me worked at Campbell-Ewald for 25 years.

Also, D___ J______, one of the saltiest, funniest creative directors I ever had the pleasure to work for during my years in advertising, roared out of Campbell-Ewald like a Jeep out of Hell. My sense of the place is that it is like that Mel Gibson movie. No, not that Mel Gibson movie. This one.