A List Apart Design industry Standards writing

ALA 238: copywriting 101, evangelizing 102

Convince large companies to openly support web standards; enhance site effectiveness by improving copy.

In Issue No. 238 of A List Apart, for people who make websites:

Evangelizing Outside the Box: Web Standards and Big Companies

by Peter-Paul Koch

Nearly a decade after The Web Standards Project named the core standards for web development and began persuading browser makers to support them, the negative rap on web standards is that they’re fine for bloggers, freelancers, and small shops, but somehow inappropriate for big corporate and e-commerce sites. This is a lie. Contrary to popular belief, designers and developers at many big companies use web standards in their work every day. They just don’t talk about it. For standards awareness to reach the next level, they’ll have to start talking, says PPK.

Who Needs Headlines?

by Shaun Crowley

A designer formats and places text. Technically, the job ends there. But some designers go further, sharpening their clients’ content to grab and focus user attention. In so doing, they create more effective sites—and gain an advantage over other designers. Drawing on decades of copywriter lore, Shaun Crowley discusses seduction by headline and other principles of writing that sells.

The Web Design Survey
The Web Design Survey has closed. Thanks to all who took time to answer the 36 questions it posed. Our findings will be published in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

[tags]alistapart, copywriting, writing, webstandards, web standards evangelism[/tags]

By L. Jeffrey Zeldman

“King of Web Standards”—Bloomberg Businessweek. Author, Designer, Founder. Talent Content Director at Automattic. Publisher, & Ava’s dad.

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